Monday, October 22, 2012

            • SAGGING BREASTS
            • DEFLATED BREASTS
            • VOLUME LOSS


Breast Augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures performed today and may offer a solution to your post baby breast concerns.  Depending on the amount of laxity in your breasts, a breast augmentation may be all you need to help the appearance of sagging breasts, deflated breasts or volume loss.  Sometimes sagging breasts may require a breast lift or mastopexy to help you reach your goals.  In addition, other important considerations should be desired breast size, implant shape and size, type of implant such as saline, silicone or gummy bear implants, recovery time and your physician’s credentials. Visit our website at to learn more about breast augmentation and board certification, it matters! 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Don’t Let Your Hands AGE YOU!

Although many people improve the appearance of their face with surgical interventions like face lifts or the use of injectable fillers (like Radiesse, Restylane, Juvederm or autologous fat transfer) or neurotoxins (like Botox or Dysport), they fail to address the appearance of their aging hands.  The appearance of your hands can give away your true age. 

As we age, our hands, like our face, undergo changes which cause a loss in volume and a more boney appearance.  Like in the face, there is loss of fatty tissue, muscle mass and bone volume, with subsequent laxity of the overlying skin.  The skin may develop sun damage and pigmentation variation as well.  As a result, the veins on the back of the hands become more prominent and unsightly.  Also, people who are very athletic may develop prominent veins on the back of their hands, resulting in a less soft and feminine appearance.

Turn back the clock with these pro tricks and let your friends wonder. 
1)      Direct excision of excess lax skin can tighten up the crepey appearance of the back of the hands.
2)      The use of injectable fillers or autologous fat transfer can add volume to correct the hollow appearance and camouflage the prominent appearance of the veins.  The injectable fillers offer temporary improvement and maintenance treatments will likely be needed.  Autologous fat transfer although yielding long lasting results requires a surgical procedure, liposuction, to harvest the necessary fat to be processed and injected. 
3)      Intense Pulsed Light like treatments, combined light energy and radiofrequency, or microlaser peels may also improve the pigmentation and/or laxity of the backs of the hands. 

So relax in just 30 minutes, you can repair, refirm or replenish contours and volume for an instant hand makeover. For more information visit our website at

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Cellulite Be GONE?


Cellulite is the irregular skin surface appearance (orange peel or cottage cheese like) that is caused by the relationship of fibrous connective tissue, fat and the overlying loose skin.  

Theories of Cellulite:

  • The fat associated with cellulite may be different from a chemical and physiologic standpoint than fat in areas that do not develop cellulite.
  • Since cellulite is seen predominantly in women, there may be a hormonal influence from estrogen which causes the adipose (fat) cells to take up more fat and prevent the fat from being broken down.
  • Aging and the repetitive occurrence of inflammation may lead to thickening of the fibrous tissue around the fat, which is conjunction with the loss of collagen and elastin lead to thinning of the skin and increased visibility of the dimpled cellulite appearance.
  • Genetic predisposition

Although there have been numerous options over the years to treat cellulite, most cellulite treatments address only one potential cause or another.  

  • About 15 years ago, Endermologie was promoted as the way to get rid of cellulite. This required 12 weekly treatments, an exercise program and drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day.  
  • For many years Mesotherapy (or “Lipodissolve”), or the injection of a “cocktail” of individually (but not in combination) FDA approved chemicals or medications, was touted as the best way to treat cellulite. 
  • A number or topical creams, like Theophylline (an asthma medication cream) were used to improve the appearance of cellulite.
  • Subcision and filling of cellulite dimples, was a means of camouflaging the dimples or depressed areas by making a pocket within the thickness of the skin, much like separating a piece of pita bread, and injecting a filler agent (such as Fascian).
  • Fibrous bands under the skin were divided, then injected with autologous fat or filler agents to prevent the bands from reconnecting and forming a new dimple.
  • About 5 years ago, a combination of light energy, radiofrequency energy and vacuum suction was used to heat and melt the superficial fat, heat and tighten the skin and bring in new blood supply. This became the first FDA approved treatment for cellulite.
  • For more information visit

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chosing a breast cup size with breast augmentation

We frequently have patients state that they want to be a certain cup size following their breast augmentation.  Unfortunately, a specific cup size can not be guaranteed.  The final cup size depends on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, the starting breast volume, chest and breast dimensions, and the type of bra one wears.  For instance, a "D" cup in Victoria Secret may be a "C" cup in Playtex.  Thus, no one can really promise you a cup size.  We suggest patients try on sizers and select the one(s) that they are happy with how they look in proportion to their body height, weight and frame.  Also, breast size may change with wieght loss, weight gain, pregnancy and breast feeding.  For more information about breast augmentation, see our web site at